Brendan Stapleton
Globally Acclaimed International MIme Performer
Brendan Stapleton:07963 61 79 81
One of the Worlds leading pioneer and expert in Mime, Robotics and Motion Capture Physical Theatre.
Trained at The Desmond Jones School of Mime and The Adam Darious Mime Centre in London. The International British Summer Schools of Mime with Daniel Stein(USA) and Yves Marc and of Marie Hegen of the French Mime Company ‘Theatre Du Mouvement’.
He has also studied Voice and Movement with Monica Pagneux, Franki Armstrong, Dominic Dupuy and The Roy Hart Theatre (Lyon)France; Commedia dell’arte with Barry Granthem, Puppetry with the Drak Theatre Praque and Gymnastics at The Birmingham Athletic Institute.
He studied Dance Theatre at “Laban” and Physical skills at The British School of Circus that originated Circus theatre in Great Britain.
Brendan was personally invited by Image Animations to co-ordinate Ape movement on the Feature Film “Tarzan and the Lost City” after he created the first Bluescreen commercial in Europe playing all three Ape characters for the TCF Bank Chicago USA.
On the British Reality Channel 4 TV show ‘Shattered’ for an audience of 5 million; Brendan Stapleton was head hunted by Endemol to tutor Mime in a none speaking role.
He has inspired leading practicioners in the industry and In the Commercial and Corporate sector he has worked extensively and has thus performeed in the capacity as actor, clown,acrobat aerialist, juggler, puppeteer fire-eater and dancer.
A experienced and respected journalist and theatre critic he has had articles recorded for posterity iin ‘La Bibliotheque Nationale’ Paris, France.
Brendan has taught mime and presentation and the prestigious Goldsmith’s College in London and to Mars UK in Austria and Germany.
Attended : The International Dramaturgy Forum at The Moving Acadamy for Performing Arts(MAPA) in Croatia as Representative for the British Council.
Awards: The Calouste Gulbenkion Foundation for the International Master Classes in Puppet Theatre with Dr Henryk Jerkowski.
Consultant: on the NVQ board for Physical Mime/ Drama Presentation in Education
He was a pioneer in the fields of hearing and visual impairment for Link-Up Theatre and Dance Company and The Royal Ballet Educational Unit at the Royal Opera House London.
Films include:Bel Ami, Vera Drake, Vanity Fair, Santa Clause the Movie,The Muppets Xmas Carol and the Wind in the Willows.
In Television Television He has been seen in ‘Dr Terrible’s House of Horrible’, Gullivers Travels, The Paul Daniels Magic Show’ Hale and Pace, Smith and Jones and the Xmas specials of Stanley Baxter and Lenny Henry.
Musical and West End experience includes Peter Pan and the Pantomimes includes “Babes in the Wood” Directed by Roy Hudd and his role as the accrobatic Cat starring in Dick Whittington was highly acclaimed.