Playing on Pitch (Gramophone Magazine - Sep 2009)

“Football has also provided an ideal subject matter for Opera.
In 1994 the forces of opera north went to Munich & Rotterdam to premiere ‘Playing Away‘, a 2 Act Opera by Benedict Mason.
A group of tumblers portrayed the players on stage for the big match… their jerseys representing Germany on one side & England on the other.
One of those dancers, Brendan Stapleton, still recalls with amusement Mason’s principle master stroke – namely, letting the German’s win.
So, ovations followed ovations and the piece was rewarded with two coveted Biennale Prizes.”
Michael McManus
That Strain Again
Sound Bites
Gramophone Magazine
Ugly/Rage Models
Hi Brendan,
Your Work this year has been amazing;
thank you!
Many thanks
Ugly/Rage Models

RAC - Annual Members Rally
Christmas Extravaganza - Tobacco Dock 2012

Victorian Strongman & Mime Artist
Subject: 6th December Tobacco Dock
Just had my client on the phone to say thanks for all of the very professional entertainment we provided. She is sorry she did not have the opportunity to thank everyone personally. Thanks all.
Kind regards
Tony MacDonnell Partner,Prima Artists International
Irish Centennial Celebrations – Birmingham 2016
Sent: 25 October 2016
Hi Brendan,
” You were an absolute star! ……I am so happy you played that part, what a brilliant performance.”

Brendan's French Classical Mime
Marcel the “Brilliant” Mime Testimonial
Thanks for your hard work on Sunday – feedback was excellent.
I have also attached a picture that
she sent of you with her
Thank you for finding him for us………Lynette

Mark Ronson Productions (HSI)
Cover: Radiohead 'Just'
> From: jim@hsilondon.co.uk
> Subject: mark ronson
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 18:37:03 +0000
> hello everyone
> it’s jim (the director) here from HSI.
> i didn’t get a chance to thank every one of you for all your hard
> work on Friday in the totally minging conditions.
> you were all really professional and upbeat about the whole project
> and hopefully that will come across in the final edit.
> thanks again
> jim
Emma Gold
From the article:
“Our members will be using the show to launch exciting new collections and there will be plenty of innovative ideas”
— Allyson Thomas, Emma Gold UK President


Hi Brendan,
I’ve attached the two pics of you as Rembrandt – before & after retouching.
Amazing how much you look like him!
The story did really well, including this – The Mail Online
Thanks so much for being involved with the project.
Kate Bailey, Account Manager, Taylor Herring Ltd.

H2Oh Entertainments

Ski Dubai

Testimonials International
“everyone at Ski Dubai still asks about you guys, everyone loved you and loved working with you”
Lina S MerhyMarketing DirectorSki DubaiUnited Arab emiratesFebruary 2008Mimeworks once again has created a great reputation for themslves Whatever Artists Management and for everyone concerned.Mimeworks has worked in all of the environments in the ‘Mall of the Emirates’ with distinction!Mimeworks were part of Whatever Artist Managements team:“Winners best entertainment in Dubai 2007”
Jubilee Market
Everyone thought you were great. Lots of new friends at Jubilee!!
Barry Stewart
Tourism & Market Support Manager
Jubilee Market Hall Ltd
1 Tavistock Court, The Piazza, Covent Garden, WC2E 8BD